Manda krishna comments on Gaddam Vivek Venkataswamy and Family

Mandh Krishna on Vivek venkata swamy

Mandh Krishna on Vivek venkata swamy

Manda Krishna Comments on Vivek venkataswamy and his family about over using the reservation benefits and grabbing multiple political positions and growing in the media and business sectors. Ever since reservations have been implemented, this Family has been exploiting all the benefits and ensured their family and extended family get all political and economic fruits of reservations. Manda Krishna comments on Gaddam Vivek went viral as he also alleged that inthe contemparary times , it is Gaddam Vivek who is standing as a political barrier for the implementation of subcategory in schedule caste reservations movement.

Mandha Krishna Questions how One Family availed many political positions?

Manda Krishna Madiga questioned ” if Gaddam Family never used reservations, how come his father contested and won elections on SC seat multiple times and became cabinet minister. Venkata Swamy has became MP and central minister from Congress party.

How his family being hailed from Schedule caste Mala community emerged as one of the top industrialists in the telangana state. Visaka Industries , Atum roof and EV bikes are manufactured by this family owned firms.

How Vivek Family started and running succcessful and top media channel V6 and Velugu paper since a decade now.

Three Family members of Gaddam Vivek have got tickets from Congress party and contested on SC seats simultaneously

How his brother Vinod Gaddam became MLA from same district and his son Gaddam Vamsi became MP from same district and from same Political party at the same time.

Manda krishna questioned how is this possible for a family to have three politicians enjoying MLA and MP seats at the same time and this is one of the rarest thing to see in India. He asked if this family is equally stronger like Sonia Gandhi family as they can have three politicians getting ticket from Congress party at the same period.

Gaddam Vivek Venkataswamy Family are Biggest Industrialists in Telangana :

He questioned how the Family is able to start Media house and channel like V6 and run in city of Hyderabad. This is enough to eloborate their financial strength. All the wealth they acquired is after his father entered politics and became central minister. V6 channel, ATUM ev bike, Palamur bio sciences, V next boards, Visaka roofs , Solar roofs etc are the huge list of businesses the family is in to.

Gaddam Vivekanand belongs to the Mala Community and recently his family lead the largest caste based meeting in the city of Hyderabad last year. The Mala Maha Garjana in parade ground was all about voicing against the Madhiga reservation (Categorising the SC caste reservations. ).

Mandha krishna who belongs to Madiga caste of SC community has been fighting that due to Mala s being more in number and politically influential the Madigas are not getting enough jobs and opportunities due to the SC reservation. The Vargeegarana – classification in reservation of SC during Chandra babu Naidu tenure had brought around 4 lakh jobs for the Madigas which didnt even happen in the last 5-6 decades .

Therfore, the MRPS and Madhigas want the Vargeegarana done in SC reservation so that they get equal rights in reservations.

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