Teenmaar Mallanna Ridicules Telangana minister’s Education qualifications

Teenmaar mallana mahasena rajesh
Teenmaar Mallanna Ridicules Telangana Minister’s Education qualifications in a meeting in Andhra Pradesh while supporting MahaSena Rajesh. The popular media personality cum Part time Politician of Telangana had stated that many Telangana ministers are underqualified and not even passed tenth class. He ridiculed how Education minister ” Sabitha Indra Reddy ” who didnt even pass Class 11 is deciding the exam schedule of Post Graduation in Telangana. Further alleged that ” Malla Reddy ” the Labour minister is uneducated and uses thumb impression instead of signature.

Chintha Pandu Naveen was invited by ” Rajesh Saripella ” the founder of Mahasena ( Group for Schedule caste public in Andhra Pradesh ) for it’s fifth Anniversary. He praised Rajesh as the leader for masses of suppressed communities and stated how he is being tortured by the Andhra Government by filing cases on him. As a part of speech, he ridiculed about the education qualifications of few of the Telangana ministers. Sathyavathi Rathode failed 6th standard, Yerraballi dhayakar Rao passed only 5th class, Malla Reddy is a complete illiterate, Sabitha Indra reddy failed class 11 , these are our unfortunate ministers of Telangana state.
What is the education Qualification of MahaSena Rajesh then ?
Teenmaar Mallana questioned about educational qualification of the Telangana ministers in the meeting of 5 th Anniversary of Mahasena group. But he least bothered to understand the fact that Mahasena Rajesh is also just a school dropout and doesn’t hold any college certificate.
Rajesh Saripella was alleged by many Schedule caste and his own Mahasena old group members as a big Fraudster and how he looted their money. Teenmaar Mallanna with out knowing all these facts and just to garner the Schedule caste votes in the upcoming Telangana elections. He had praised a alleged money extortioner to the sky while ridiculing the Telangana minister’s educational qualifications but forgot how public would question about the educational qualification of Mahasena Rajesh.
This foolish act of Teen maar mallanna would cost him alot in elections as Rajesh Saripella is observed as a cheap money extortioner and Anti Hindu Christian funded agent by many Hindu groups of Andhra and Telangana.
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