Telangana state: Richest State has a Fire station in Temple cattle shed.

Palakurthy Fire station

Telangana state is often regarded as one of the richest state in the country by the government. However, some of the awkard incidents put the government in embarassing situations. One such is the Palakurthy Town Fire station. Palakurthy Mandal Fire station is being run in a cattle shed of the Local Palakurthy Shiva Temple from past 3 years. The Fire Engine is surrounded by the Cows and Buffaloes in the land of cattle shed. Devotees walk in to offer food to the cows and the Fire station authorities cant deny their entry as the land belongs to the Temple and it’s cows.

Much to this shameful incident, the Constituency belongs to minister of the Rural development Mr. Errabelli Dayakar Rao.

The fire station officer has informed that the land is allotted by the government 3 years ago but the building was not built. So on a temporary basis the station is being run in the Temple Land.

The locals have expresssed that this fire station is of no help during the Temple Jathara which happens once in every year and runs for two weeks. The actual help of fire engine is required during that time as huge gatherings are witnessed at that time with many stalls around. But the Fire engine would be surrounded by hundreds of devotees at that time as the land is near by temple and belongs to the Gau Shala of it.

There is no way Fire engine can be taken out for help if any unexpected incident happens during the Jathara of the Temple , Said locals.

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