How to sell your Junk Car easily with or with out Title

Selling your junk car has become so easy with the latest technology being implemented in buying and picking the cars by the buyers. There are many third party biggies which can help you find a right buyer with in few seconds. However, there is lot to go through in order to sell your junk car if you dont knock the right door. You can sell your junk car with out getting involved in towing it or even being present there. Lets find out how one can easily sell the junk car using internet.
There are approximately one Junk Car buyer in every 45 miles in United states. The Thousands of Junk car buyers who generally dismantle the cars and sell the car parts to others in open market make huge profit with this Junk cars.
If you dont have the genuine and clear Title on your name. It gets more diffcult to sell and the buyer may even give you half price.
A typical Junk Car buyer can pay you around $415 for the all over damaged Junk “Nissan Altima 2016” Car but if you do not have the title, the same buyer might pick it for $100 or Some of the Junk car buyers do not even pick the cars with out title even if given to them for free.
Then how to sell the car with out the title ?
Case 1 : If you own the car and you dont have the title .
If the Car Title is lost or damaged , One can always get a copy of the title for a just mere 5-10 dollars depending on the state you are living in.
You can simply go to BMV or even the website and apply for it online. Even in the case, the title is lost or destroyed you can get the copy by providing the BMV with the required details.
For Ex: Texas state Car owners can get a copy of Title by applying for it online or walking in to BMV.
Case 2 :What if there is a Lien mark on the Title ?
If there is a lien mark on your title. The Lien holder should Complete an application for certified copy or provide you with an original release of lien.
Most of the liens get removed after some time. But if the lien is still on title, then one needs to follow certain steps.
The original Lien release is required to be submitted to the BMV . A photocopy or fax is not accepted.
Persons who cant walk in BMV personally can mail them . Here below are the mailing steps and attached application form of Texas BMV.

Mailing Address of Texas BMV to get copy of Title :
Texas department of Motor vehicles
1601 South West Parkway, Suite A , Wichita Falls, TX 76302 .
In order to apply this in person, One needs to get appointment from BMV to walk in. If you walk in with out appointment, you might get a chance to get hold of the officer for help but not always.
If the car is owned by a Trust or a Business then the requirement documents change accordingly. generally , an affidavit of Trust is required in the case of trust is required. A Business letter head affidavit is required with the signature of other than the applicant is required.