TRS Rakesh Kumar Calls Governor ” Surpanakha of Ramayana “.

TRS comments on Telangana governor
TRS leader Rakesh kumar in a live media session by Sakshi News has crossed all limits and addressed Telangana state Governor as ” Surpanakha ” of Ramayana. He said ” Ramayan refers about dealing of women based on characters. “It says how to deal with bad women with examples of Surpankha and Poothana and our Governor is behaving like Surpankha.
BJP Leader Rani Rudrama Reddy was part of the media event and she responded instantly about a woman being referred to a demon. She cited this as example of how women being treated by the ruling TRS.
It is well known that Telangana state governor complained to the central that she is being denied all the privileges as Governor by the state government and she had to travel in trains to meet public. The above statement is a result of ongoing ugly spat between ruling TRS party and the state Governor.