Bairi Naresh attacked by Ayyappa Devotees in Warangal.

Bairi Naresh attacked

Bairi Naresh attacked and was punched hard by a mob in competitve mode when he was being shifting to a police station in the Police vehicle. HIndu Activists who stopped their vehicles infront of the Cop vehicle , have force opened the doors and threw nonstop punches on Bairi Naresh . Cops tried to protect him but efforts went in vain as almost around 10 people competed with each other in punching him one after the other. Bairi Naresh was arrested last month for making obscene comments on Hindu Dieties Vishnu, Shiva and Ayyappa.

The Frustrated and hurt Ayyappa devotees made huge protests to arrest him and take strict action . But since he was seen outside the jail , tihe Hindu activist got upset and attacked him.

The way Bairi Naresh attacked was found so horrifying as Cops became mere spectactors as their efforts went into vain while stopping the attackers. While the upset Hindu devotees were happy that the Hindu Abuser is attacked, many questioned that how can cops let it happen so easily ?

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