Japan Earth Quake records 6.1 on rector scale
The northern island Hokkaido has experienced the mild earth quake of 6.1 magnitude causing little terror all over the world as this is the fourth country which hit with earth quake in a month of time. Although, it is not unusual for Japs to face earth quakes , the worry of Tsunami would generally worry them. Since the Japanese structures are built to withstand the strongest earth quakes of upto 7.5 and more , this mild earth quake has not caused much damage like Turkey. Japan Earth quake has now caused fear among other asian cities.
Around 10.27 JPT ( Local time ) and 11.27 GMT the Earth Quick hit the northern part of the Japan. The bigger relief was that Tsunami warning was issued after the quake. 6.1 magnitude is usually a level which causes items in shelves to move and unsecured and loose ones to fall down.