Kapu Caste Goons disrespect Garikapati on twitter over AlaiBalai Dussehra incident

Kapu Caste Mega Family hyper Fans have asusually started ridiculing Garikapati Narasimha Rao over the twitter. It is already known that during the Alai Balai event of Dussehra conducted by ” Mr. Bandaru Dattatrreya ” was graced by both Pouranik Garikapati Narasimha Rao and the Film actor Chiranjeevi. When the Garikapati started his Speech, Megastar Chiranjeevi was busy in phoot shoots with public gathered there and this was disturbing the narration of the popular Pouranik Mr. Rao.

The disturbed Garikapati had objectionably announced that he doesnt mind to leave the event if the photo session is not stopped as this is insulting and violation of Sabha Maryada.
Chiranjeevi silently left the space and sat next to Garikapati and both had casual talk after the incident.
The incident was almost forgotten by all until the Jobless Controversial Mega Brother “Nagababu” tweeted sarcastically about the incident and called Garikapati as Jealous over Chiranjeevi’s image.
This made section of Garikapati followers and Section of Hindus upset and Nagababu received harsh responses from the twitterati.
The Chiranjeevi Fans associations and social media wings ( Mostly handled and dominated by Kapu Caste Youth ) got intervened and made it look like Kapu Vs Brahmin.
The Kapu Caste Youth have started ridiculing Garikapati on twitter. Extremists crossed all the limits and called the Pouranik and Telugu linguist as Useless fellow and Egoist.

Some Non Kapu Caste Chiranjeevi Fans tried to pacify situation and urged not to make issue big :