Malkajgiri Assemmbly constituency caste wise analysis, MLA Candidates, Surveys etc details.

Malkajgiri assembly constituency

Malkajgiri assembly constituency

Malkajgiri Assembly Constituency analysis based on caste, voters pulse, wave, candidate analysis and survey results etc are here. The Malkajgiri Assembly constituency comes under urban area and located at north east region of Hyderabad city. This region has many highly educated citizens including the people of all ethnicities and mostly the government employees of 80s and 90s preferred to buy lands here and got settled. Therefore, this region is filled with public who are conscious of their rights and are known to be very strong in expressing their democratic right through polls. Right after Telangana formation, thi region voted for TRS candidate twice. Malkajgiri Assembly constituency analysis with full details are here below

Malkajgiri Assembly constituency area geography

  1. Malkajgiri
  2. Safilguda
  3. Moula Ali
  4. Vinayak nagar
  5. Kakatiya Nagar
  6. East Anandbagh
  7. Gowtham Nagar
  8. Neredmet
  9. Sainikpuri
  10. Alwal
  11. Yapral
  12. Macha Bollaram

lets have a view on the vote bank analysis of different parties in this area :

Malkajgiri Assembly polls results 2014

Kanaka reddyTRS (BRS )7713233.7%
N. Ramachander RaoBJP7436432.5%
Nandhikanti SridharINC3720116.3%
OthersNA NA

If one looks at the above data, it is clearly observed that BJP party has a significant vote share in this region. The Urban areas are known to be bastions for the Saffron party and this region being the urban and with majority educated people obviously turns out to be the BJP dominant region.

BJP was able to give close fight even during the Telangana wave and KCR wave in 2014 and 2018 respectively.

CandidatePartyVotes%Gain/loss from previous
Mynampally Hanmath raoTRS ( BRS )11414955.49+22%
N. Ramachander RaoBJP4045119.13-13%
Kapilavai Dileep kumarTJS3421916.3Debut

The above data shows the BJP was still in the second position during 2018 elections but lost majority votes to the others.

main reasons for BJP losing 2018 assembly seats of Malkajgiri :

  1. KCR wave of 2018
  2. TJS candidate K. Dileep was also Brahmin and Telangana IAS officer retd.

The KCR wave of 2018 was undoubtedly a helping factor for Mynampally Hanmanth rao which added to his financial capabilities to buy the voters and influence their mind.

However, the educated sector public votes got split due to the fact that TJS dileep kumar was a retired IAS officer and some people preferred the highly educated Dileep who was also a Telangana influencer during the movement.

Brahmin Vote bank got split amongst N. Ramachander Rao and Kapilavai Dileep.

Malkajgiri Assembly Caste wise Analysis :

The Brahmins vote bank is obviously playing crucial role here in helping winning party but how it swings is not clear as almost all the Brahmin voters here are educated and they seemed to have preferred TRS after telangana formation but might shift to BJP any time.

The Reddy population obviously prefers Congress but they also have reported to have preferred KCR party in 2014 and 2019.

The deciding factor would be the BC vote bank and the voters who vote according to their local leaders insstruction and welfare schemes.

Yhe Educated Voters of BC castes are preferring BJP candidature this time due to the high incumbency and arrogancy of Mynampally hanmanth rao.

Malkajgiri Assembly elections 2023 poll survey :


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