Sambhalpur Odisha Violence, Hindus attacked and under fear since Hanuman Jayanti

Sambhalpur riots

India has witnessed the stone pelting and attacking on Hanuman Shobha Yatras at many towns in India on the Birth Anniversary of Hindu God Hanuman. The Rallies which start with huge members pass through main roads celebrating the Jayanti of Hanuman. The non BJP rule states have witnessed these kind of attacks on Hindu rallies from past few years. Sambhalpur Odisha has witnessed the biggest and scariest attack in the recent times. Residents of Sambhalpur seemed to have lost faith in Police and media that they have started tweeting independent journalists and hindu activists online with pics and videos. Hindus attack in Sambhalpur has disturbed the communal fabric of the nation.

  • Stones Pelted on Hanuman Devotees
  • Petrol bombs at couple of places
  • Hindus ran leaving bikes & vehicles on roads out of fear.
  • Videos show police being spectators.
  • Feared Hindus locked in homes and tweeting for help.
  • Incident took place when rally passing through a Masjid.

The below image where hundreds of vehicles were left by Hindus on roads and ran for life . Stones pelted on Rally when it was passing through the lane of masjid as shown in the below image.

Around 10 Police officers are also reported to be injured in the attack. The internet and social media activities were suspended for around 48 hours after the incident and 144 section was implemented.

No Major Media leaks from Odisha in decades

Odisha which is mysteriously under the Rule of Naveen patnaik for almost two decades actually reside like virtually being out of India. No Major Media reports take place in this state but only presented as all is well. National media shows no importance in this coastal state and much of the government failure and violences are not reported.

A near by Odisha resident reported on twitter how even Police became of no help for Hindu residents.

Sambhalpur attack on Hanuman Jayanti yatra has become a black day in the hearts of Hanuman devotees across the country.

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