Telangana Karnataka RTC Bus charges comparison. TSRTC Bus Journey is 30% expensive.
Telangana Road Transport Corporation and KSRTC of Karnataka are established to provide public transport services at the reasonable cost by the respective state governments in the past. Since both are the neighbouring states and being ruled by the rivalry parties ( TRS in Telangana and BJP in Karnataka ) , Desidust team had decided to do some comparison in Bus charges being collected from the passengers by both the corporations. The Tarrif is generally fixed as per the Governments instructions. The rise of charges generally pisses off the Passengers and upset public might react negatively in elections. Public strongly believe that the corporations are not established solely for the purpose of Profits but to serve the general public with reasonable tarrifs. Therefore, Governments generally ensure that the RTC bus Ticket rates are pretty reasonable and appease the poor and lower middle class. The comparison of TSRTC Bus charges with that of KSRTC has revealed some surprising facts.
TSRTC Bus charges comparison with Karnataka RTC Bus charges
We have tried collecting some data directly from the official websites of both the corporations TSRTC and KSRTC about the Tarriffs being charged on Passengers. Therefore, we have selected the range of 150 kms to analyse the Tarrif comparison and figure out which organisation is actually charging more.
Since the Telangana opposition parties and public have started questioning about RTC Tarrifs lately that the charges have almost got doubled in the last 4 years, this analysis would help to find out if TSRTC is really expensive.
Hyderabad to Warangal distance is around 150kms , so our team has decided to pick a route of KSRTC which also has a distance of 150 kms and our team fortunately found that Bengaluru to Mysore is also about 150 Kms. Both are Top 1 and 2 cities of their respective states and both are from capital to the heritage city ( Bengaluru and Hyderabad are capitals – Mysore and Warangal are heritage and second biggest cities of their states ). Therefore, the comparison seems to be very apt.
We found that for the same 150 kms of Journey, KSRTC is charing around 331 rupees for the AC multiaxle Bus ( Airavata ) and Telangana RTC is charging around 460 Rupees for the same distance of Journey ( Garuda or Indra ).
Normal Deluxe / Express bus journey costs 280 rupees in Telangana whereas it is only 151 rupees in Karnataka.
Hyderabad to Warangal Bus ticket charge ( Normal Express ) is Rs.280 but for the same distance of 150 km in karnataka ( Bengaluru to Mysore ) is Rs.151.
Similarly , we picked above 300 kms distance journies. Hyderabad to Adilabad is around 310 kms and Bengaluru to Bellary is around 312 kms. But the Normal Express delivery or evn super luxury cost more than 500 Rupees. Whereas , A kannadiga can travel the same distance and reach northern city Bellary with just 372 rupees. A Telanganite need more hundred rupees to travel the same.
Multiaxle AC bus journey would cost only 661 Rupees in Karnataka but the same journey in Telangana needs 860.
One Can go to office or to compare.
The TRS party Government which boasts a lot on Pensions to Old persons and Rythu bandhu Scheme to Farmers are often found to criticize the central government and BJP party about rising prices need to be able to answer why the Bus tickets rates are lot higher than that of BJP ruling states.
Public generally complain that the Tarrif rates are increased during Festival weeks of Dussehra and Sankranti. It is reported that generally TSRTC increases around 20% of Tarriff on these Festive days for long journey routes.
Common Man doesn’t know that the normal day Tarriffs are also higher than other states in Telangana.